Sen. Ossoff Successfully Helps Restore Eligibility for Student Veterans to Attend Morris Brown College

Sen. Ossoff called on the Georgia Department of Veterans Service to allow veterans to use their VA education benefits at Morris Brown College

VA educational benefits, also known as GI Bill benefits, help veterans and eligible dependents pay for colleges, graduate schools, and training programs

Washington, D.C. — In another victory for Morris Brown College, U.S. Senator Jon Ossoff successfully helped restore eligibility for student veterans to attend the storied Atlanta HBCU.

Following Sen. Ossoff’s push, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and the Georgia Department of Veterans Service will once again allow student veterans and their dependents to use their VA educational benefits at Morris Brown College, which became the first HBCU to regain its accreditation after a 20-year hiatus.

“Just as I worked to secure restored federal financial aid and now veterans’ tuition benefits for Morris Brown students, I will continue working with college President Dr. Kevin James to support the rebirth of this important and historic HBCU,” Senator Ossoff said. 

“With the reinstatement of Title IV funding, Morris Brown has also been approved to use VA benefits for military students. This approval was a huge win for the institution and will positively impact our student enrollment. Moreover, as seasoned adults, we believe veterans will positively impact our retention and success rates,” said Dr. Kevin James, President of Morris Brown College. “I want to thank Senator Jon Ossoff for working with us in calling on the Georgia Department of Veterans Service to allow student veterans and their dependents to use their VA educational benefits at Morris Brown College.”

Last December, Sen. Ossoff successfully helped restore Federal financial aid for current and future Morris Brown students.

Sen. Ossoff also spoke at Morris Brown’s Founder’s Day celebration earlier this year.

As a candidate for the U.S. Senate, Sen. Ossoff pledged to support Morris Brown in their re-accreditation efforts.

Sen. Ossoff continues to fight on behalf of Georgia’s HBCUs. In the last year alone, Sens. Ossoff and Warnock havesecured more than a quarter of a billion dollars to enhance the universities.

Sen. Ossoff has also pledged to ensure the wellbeing and success of Georgia’s veterans. Earlier this month, Sens. Ossoff and Warnock secured over $1 million to help veterans reenter the workforce and find stable housing. 

Click here to read Sen. Ossoff’s letter.



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