Sen. Ossoff Focuses on Job Creation in Chattahoochee River Valley as Senate Develops Infrastructure Bill

As Senate works on infrastructure legislation, Sen. Ossoff touted possible economic benefits for Columbus, Chattahoochee River Valley region

Washington, D.C. — Today in a hearing of the Senate Banking Committee, U.S. Senator Jon Ossoff pushed for infrastructure investments to create jobs in the Chattahoochee River Valley, outlining how Columbus and the Chattahoochee River Valley region could benefit economically from major investments in transit and transportation infrastructure.

Sen. Ossoff continues to push for an ambitious bipartisan infrastructure plan in the U.S. Senate and has been focused on infrastructure and economic development for the Columbus region. 

In a previous Banking Committee hearing in April, Sen. Ossoff highlighted proposed investments to Columbus’ bus system as a possible means to spur economic growth.

Click here to watch Sen. Ossoff’s line of questioning:

Please find a transcript from the exchange here:

SEN. OSSOFF: “Thank you to our panel. Mayor Horrigan, like you’ve done in Akron, many cities across Georgia are looking to make major investments in infrastructure, including Columbus, Georgia, the Chattahoochee River Valley region, Muskogee County, and these investments in transit and transportation networks can better connect communities and businesses, make it easier for folks to get to work, attract more jobs, and investments. So as we build infrastructure legislation here in the Senate, Mayor Horrigan, do you agree that regions of Georgia like the Chattahoochee River Valley, Columbus, Georgia, can benefit as have the community you represent with major investments in transit and transportation infrastructure?”

MAYOR HORRIGAN: “Thank you, Senator. Absolutely. I mean, we actually, you know, Akron sits between Cleveland and Canton and I appreciate Senator Daines’ and Mayor Andrus’ efforts to not be on that MSA. They tried to lump us in with Cleveland’s MSA. Their distinct region, it quite frankly, the market will figure out, you know, what people need to get back and forth someplace. We happen to be blessed with two federal highways that connect both of those cities, but getting people back there and getting them, you know, on public transportation back and forth to where the jobs are so they can get back home is absolutely critical, you know, for them to be able to get to that job and make sure that they can get back home too. So those investments, they do pay off because people are they’re able to get around better and they have a stable option to be able to get to work and get back home.”

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