Sen. Ossoff Working Across the Aisle to Help Georgia Students Access Job Training Programs

Bipartisan JOBS Act would help more Georgia students access job training programs to prepare them for successful careers

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senator Jon Ossoff is working across the aisle to help more Georgia students access job training programs.

With businesses across the state facing workforce shortages, Sen. Ossoff is championing efforts in the U.S. Senate to the pass the bipartisan JOBS Act to help more students access and afford job training programs.

The bill would ensure that students across Georgia enrolled in high-quality short-term skills and job training programs have access to Pell Grants to complete their education and workforce development programs.

Currently, Pell Grants may only be used for two- and four-year colleges and universities.

“I am working to bring Republicans and Democrats in Congress together to pass the bipartisan JOBS Act, which will allow young people and people who are mid-career in Georgia to apply for and receive Federal financial aid to access job training programs and prepare for their careers,” Sen. Ossoff said.

The bipartisan JOBS Act was introduced by Sens. Tim Kaine (D-VA) and Mike Braun (R-IN). 

Sen. Ossoff continues to be a champion for Georgia students looking to enhance their professional careers by working to ensure they have the adequate resources to do so. 

Last year, Sen. Ossoff helped secure a $500 increase to the maximum Pell Grant award, the largest increase in a decade.

President Biden also signed Sen. Ossoff’s bipartisan legislation to boost cybersecurity job training at HBCUs into law last August.

Click aquí to read the bipartisan JOBS Act.



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