Sen. Ossoff’s Bipartisan Bill to Rename Atlanta VA Regional Office for Sen. Johnny Isakson Becomes Law

Sen. Ossoff introduced the legislation this summer and successfully garnered bipartisan support to advance it through Congress

Johnny Isakson served Georgia in the U.S. Senate from 2005 to 2019 & served as Chairman of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee from 2015 to 2019

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senator Jon Ossoff’s bipartisan legislation to rename the Atlanta VA Regional Office in honor of Georgia’s late U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson is now law.

Sen. Ossoff’s bipartisan law will rename the VA regional office in Decatur, Georgia, as the “Senator Johnny Isakson Department of Veterans Affairs Atlanta Regional Office” to honor Isakson for his work to relentlessly advocate for our nation’s veterans and servicemembers.

“We are so touched and moved that Johnny’s former colleagues and friends would choose to honor him this way,” the Isakson family said. “The Veterans Affairs Department was a passion for him when he was in office as he was so dedicated to the livelihood of those who sacrificed so much for this country. This is a wonderful tribute to his legacy.”

“Senator Isakson was truly committed to Georgia’s veterans and Georgia’s military families, and Senator Isakson was also committed to working across the aisle, bringing Republicans and Democrats together to do what’s right for veterans and to do what’s right for the state of Georgia,” Sen. Ossoff said. “I think it’s fitting that this has been a bipartisan effort with Republican and Democratic support as a token of our state’s appreciation for all of the work Senator Isakson did on behalf of our veterans, our service members, and our military families.”

WATCH: Sen. Ossoff speaks on his bipartisan bill becoming law.

Sens. Ossoff and Roy Blunt (R-MO) introduced the bipartisan legislation earlier this year alongside Senators Reverend Raphael Warnock (D-GA), Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), VA Committee Chair Jon Tester (D-MT), VA Committee Ranking Member Jerry Moran (R-KS), and Rob Portman (R-OH).

Congressman Sanford D. Bishop Jr. (D-GA-02) and Congressman Rick Allen (R-GA-12) introduced the House companion, which was co-sponsored by the all of Georgia’s Congressional Delegation.

“America’s veterans had an incredible champion and friend in Senator Johnny Isakson,” said Sen. Blunt. “He worked tirelessly throughout his time in Congress to ensure veterans received the care and benefits they earned. Renaming the Atlanta Regional Office in Senator Isakson’s honor is a testament to his legacy of delivering for the brave men and women who served our country.”

“Senator Isakson cared deeply for Georgia and for our veterans, and it is only fitting that we recognize his commitment to our servicemembers by renaming the Atlanta regional office of the Department of Veterans Affairs in his honor,” Senator Reverend Warnock said.

“Johnny Isakson was a proud son of Georgia who worked tirelessly for the well-being of its people and all Americans. I had the pleasure of working with him both in the Georgia state legislature and as colleagues in Congress and was fortunate to call him my friend,” Congressman Bishop said. “Renaming the VA regional office in Atlanta after former Senator Isakson is a fitting tribute to a man who was at the vanguard of ensuring that Congress fulfills its commitment to provide the care and resources America’s veterans have earned.”

“Throughout his life, Senator Isakson distinguished himself as a man of character with an unmatched dedication to the people of Georgia, and I am proud to co-lead this legislation to dedicate the VA’s Regional Office in Atlanta as a living monument to his tireless work in advancing policies that benefit our nation’s veterans,”Congressman Allen said.

“Not only was Johnny Isakson a diligent and successful legislator, but he was also one of the kindest, most thoughtful Senators,” said Leader Schumer. “During his four years as Chairman of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, Johnny shepherded numerous bipartisan bills to expand health care for our American heroes, so it’s only fitting that even posthumously, his name will continue to serve veterans in Georgia. The ‘Senator Johnny Isakson Department of Veterans Affairs Atlanta Regional Office’ will keep his legacy alive by providing care for the veterans Johnny cared so deeply about.”

“In Johnny Isakson’s famously big heart, American veterans and his fellow Georgians got pride of place. Isakson has rightly become a synonym for keeping promises to those who have served our nation in uniform,” Leader McConnell said. “I am glad my friend’s name will inspire the VA’s mission in his beloved state for years to come.”

“Johnny Isakson was a fierce advocate and champion for veterans in Georgia and all across the country,” said Sen. Tester. “I couldn’t be prouder to be a part of this bipartisan effort to honor my friend Johnny — ensuring his legacy fighting on behalf of our nation’s veterans lives on for years to come.”

“Working alongside Sen. Isakson to support the needs of our veterans was an honor and a rewarding experience,” said Sen. Moran. “His leadership on the Veterans’ Affairs committee and his love, care and advocacy for our nation’s veterans helped compel action and meaningful changes to support our veterans. I am pleased to honor Sen. Isakson by supporting this legislation.” 

“Johnny Isakson was a dear friend and wonderful colleague who served his country with distinction and earned the respect of all he encountered,” said Sen. Portman. “As Chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, he worked hard to improve the Department of Veterans Affairs to better care for our nation’s veterans, believing those who wore the uniform deserved the very best for their service and dedication to our country. And that is why I am proud to cosponsor this legislation to rename the Department of Veterans Affairs Atlanta Regional Office after my late friend – an honor truly deserved.”

Johnny Isakson served Georgia in the U.S. Senate from 2005 to 2019. He served as Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs from 2015 to 2019, where he continuously worked to improve benefits and services for veterans and their families.



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