WATCH: Sen. Jon Ossoff Gets Commitment from Biden Nominee to Quickly Send COVID-19 Relief Checks Once Congress Acts

Washington, D.C. — Today, during the confirmation hearing of Neera Tanden to serve as President Biden’s Director of the Office of Management and Budget, U.S. Senator Jon Ossoff got Ms. Tanden to commit to the speedy disbursement of stimulus relief checks to Georgia families once Congress passes the American Rescue Plan.

Sen. Ossoff noted that in Georgia and across the country, working class and middle class families have been crushed by the pandemic and subsequent economic crisis, which is why he and his colleagues are fighting so hard to swiftly pass the economic relief and stimulus checks families are counting on.

Tanden committed to working as “expeditiously as possible” to ensure checks go out the door “as quickly as possible,” and to be as transparent and rational to the public as possible.

Click here to watch and download a copy of the exchange:

Please find a transcript of the exchange below:

OSSOFF: “First question for you: In Georgia, as in states across the country, working class and middle class families have been crushed by this pandemic and the economic crisis that has resulted from this pandemic. And that’s one of the reasons that I and so many members of this body have been urging that we swiftly pass the direct economic relief, the economic impact payments or stimulus checks that families are counting on to stay on their feet and avoid eviction or foreclosure, cover vital costs like extraordinary childcare costs that have been incurred while schools are closed.

“Will you please explain to the panel and to the public what steps you’ll commit to taking to ensure that once Congress does its job and passes that direct economic relief, that the Biden administration as swiftly as possible sends that relief directly to the people.”

TANDEN: “Senator, you’re absolutely right that families are suffering right now. As I mentioned earlier, the unemployment numbers on Friday demonstrate that we still have 10 million people who are unemployed, and we face a hunger crisis in this country, as many as 12 million children who are going hungry and so that is why it’s important to act and to the extent Congress acts, I can commit to this committee to work as expeditiously as possible to ensure those resources are going out the door as quickly as possible.

Just recognizing the issues raised by Senator Sinema in terms of making sure our guidance and information is as transparent to the public and rational to the public as possible, but it will be a priority for us to — if I’m confirmed — it would be a priority for the OMB to ensure that resources — working with agencies — resources are getting out the door as expeditiously as possible because we recognize that families are hurting right now.”




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