Georgia produces one-third of all pecans in the U.S.
Washington, D.C. –– U.S. Senator Jon Ossoff is working to help Georgia farmers sell more pecans.
In a Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee hearing today, Sen. Ossoff secured a commitment from a top Biden Administration nominee to work with him and Georgia pecan suppliers to export more of their products worldwide.
Sen. Ossoff pointed out that Georgia is the nation’s largest supplier of pecans, accounting for about one-third of U.S. pecan production.
Reta Jo Lewis, a Georgia native and President Biden’s nominee to lead the Export-Import Bank, committed to working with Sen. Ossoff to boost Georgia’s pecan exports.
Click here to watch Sen. Ossoff’s line of questioning:

Please find a transcript of the exchange below:
SEN. OSSOFF: “My final question focuses on agriculture. As you well know, as a Georgia native, Georgia is the nation’s largest supplier of pecans, accounting for about a third of U.S. pecan production, and pecan suppliers exist across the state from Fort Valley to Athens to Albany. How can you work with me and agricultural leaders and farmers in Georgia, Ms. Lewis, to ensure that Georgia’s pecan industry remains competitive and to work with those farmers around Fort Valley, around Athens, around Albany and other major pecan producing regions of the state to help Georgia pecans continue to grow as a worldwide agricultural staple commodity?”
LEWIS: “Senator, not only do I commit to working with you, in the EXIM’s 2019 reauthorization is specifically targeted, a focus for EXIM on rural communities and also the work that we would have to do with supporting all industries and all sectors. I commit to you that as of a review of the work that we’re doing, I would like to review the work that we’re currently doing and be able to seek your input as to any ideas we would have, you would have for us in that in those areas.”